
Berlin Kollektiv

berlin for ex-berliner and exil-berliner


Berlin Spezial

Manda Bala – the real Brasil

The Swedish Television showed a great movie yesterday, “Manda Bala” by Jason Kohn. It’s about the vicious circle that the brazilian society is going through since ever: corruption creates classes in the society, poverty in the north, migration to the big cities like Sao Paulo, reinforcing the inegalities, making riches to hide in their condominiums, making poors use kidnapping to make money, making plastic chirurgy specialists and armored car manufacturers richer and richer etc etc… amazing how a whole society can collapse.

An Interview with Jason Kohn is available here at Cinematical.

Some more stuff from IMDB (watch the movie first):

  • The filmmakers struggled to find a kidnapper to film after the bribes to get into the prison where their preferred interviewee was staying proved too steep. The driver of a cab they used one day delivered “packages” on the side for a kidnapper, and introduced them to the masked man interviewed extensively in the film. Director Jason Kohn also was at the kidnapper’s home when police stopped by and walked around the outside, the one moment of filming he said he feared for his life.
  • The kidnapper interviewed in the movie died in late 2006. The filmmakers said he was shot twice — in the shoulder and gut — in a shootout with police in which he killed two cops, was taken to the hospital and came out of the ambulance with a new bullet hole in his head.
  • The idea of using translators and picturing them on screen was borrowed from a presentation documentary director Errol Morris (director Jason Kohn‘s mentor) made for the Academy Awards, in which Mikhail Gorbachev discussed his favorite films, with a translator in the background of the shot converting the former USSR leader’s Russian into English.

Th’ Faith Healers Sounds & Tour News

Well i guess i missed something on the 11th of march 2006 in Berlin WEST GERMANY (!):

In a move that took everyone by total surprise, Th’ Faith Healers have reunited for a number of gigs in early 2006. The tour dates, as announced by their US label Ba Da Bing!, are were as follows:

  • 11 March: Berlin, Germany – WestGermany
  • 17 March: Austin, TX – Blender Balcony at the Ritz
  • 22 March: Boston, MA – Pa’s Lounge
  • 27 March: Brooklyn, NY – Northsix
  • 29 March: New York, NY – Mercury Lounge
  • 30 March: Philadelphia, PA – The Khyber
  • 20 April: London, England – 93 Feet East

Th’ Healers have repeatedly said that this was strictly a one-off tour to promote the Peel Sessions CD and there are no plans for future dates or new recordings.

Fans’ impressions from these gigs can be found over on the Impressions page.

copyright here.

For those who didn’t know: th’Faith Healers was one of the most amazing band in the beginning of the 90’s. Their sound was unique. There were on the label Too Pure.

Playlist of the week

#1 Spiders (Kidsmoke) – Wilco
#2 In Rainbows – Radiohead
#3 Bahaha Hahi – R. Villalobos
#4 Control (Martini Brös Remix) – Unknown artist
#5 Dudun-dun  – Para One
#6 So Close & Yet So Far – Snooze
#7 Snowflake – Trentemøller

Hundefutter für Berliner

Oh mein Gott…

Ich lese gerade, dass bis 160 Tonnen Hundefutter Jahre lang in Döner gegessen wurde, und alles in Berlin!
kebab ist gut
Bin froh, dass ich 1995 mein letzter Döner gegessen habe!

Berlin in 3D for Google Earth

I already posted some great news about Berlin in 3D, but here is a film that explains what you can see before you downloads the plug-in. The data transfer is quiet heavy, so i recommend to use Google Earth and the Berlin 3D plug-in on a good computer…

Berlin macht 2008 keine Schulden mehr

So soll es sein, lt. Politiker, wie die MoPo berichtet.  Und macht man das? Ganz einfach: öffentliche Gebäude sponsoren lassen. Und so sieht es aus:

ipod reklm berlin

Met in Berlin

.. und die Antwort (nach 10 Sekunden Suche) lautet: Das Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, zeigt seine schönsten Meisterwerke der französischen Kunst des 19. Jahrhunderts in Berlin. In der Neuen Nationalgalerie. Ist das nicht wunderbar :-)

Hier die Website



16.12.2006 hatte ich Sonic Youth in Berlin verpasst. Dieses Mal bin ich dabei!


Siehe Kalender.

Ich habe meine Karte, mein Flug ist so gut wie gebucht. yeeehaa!

sonic youth berlin

1. Mai in Berlin

“5000 Polizisten sind rund um den 1. Mai in die Hauptstadt abgeordnet. Im letzten Jahr wurden bei den Ausschreitungen am 1. Mai 179 Personen festgenommen, 68 Polizisten wurden zumeist leicht verletzt”, schreibt der Spiegel. Mal sehen was uns der 1. Mai dieses Jahr für überraschungen vorbereitet. Auf jeden Fall soll es letzte Nacht schon in Kreuzberg einiges geschehen sein.


Und bei Euch? aus Stockholm wird berichtet: “Valborgsfirandet blev stökigt med fylleri och misshandel i flera delar av landet. I Uppsala omhändertogs ett stort antal berusade tonåringar”, also viele Betrunkene und Gewalttätige, berichtet DN… trotz nicht mal 5 Grad.

20.28: Laut DN wurden 61 Personen in Berlin festgenommen. Scheint einen ziehmlichen friedlichen 1. Mai gewesen zu sein…

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